red clouds

Carpe Diem Special #221 Candy's Showcase first " promise in red clouds "

aerial dancers
along edge of red clouds
hawks in flight

©  petra domina

Please, take time to visit the Carpe Diem connection for this special prompt.  Candy of rhymeswithbug. com, one of the group's fine poets, is being honored.

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Beautiful. Puts me in mind of the red tail hawks that inhabit the flat farm land of SE Missouri. They settle on power lines, one per line between the poles. This little space of territory is theirs. No crossing between unless there is a raid, or a lady, or the random cross-territorial mouse to catch. Fun to watch.

    1. Thank you, Anne. As we would travel the highways between SW Missouri and Texas for the last 5 decades, the hawks were visible on fence posts and treetops. My husband would point them out to my son and I to our dismay. "There in the line of trees is a hawk". That line would be several hundred miles away so that meant Hubby was sightseeing not watching the road!

  2. I like the way that you have made the focus
    'along edge of red clouds'
    with 'aerial dancers' and 'hawks in flight' on either side - on the edge. beautiful!

    1. Thank you Kim. I like how a sentence will come to mind then one has to work out how to make it work.

  3. Replies
    1. Good evening, friend.
      Glad you enjoyed! janice xx

  4. Vivid image of hawk as aerial dancer. Lovely poem.

  5. Extraordinary beautiful response Janice


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