conquest of paradise

on the horizon
a beach beckons the ship's crew
the gentle virgin
in innocence and curiosity
welcomes the rapist

©  petra domina

On Dec. 4 it was announced that the Army Corp of Engineers are halting construction at the particular location being protested by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.  The halt is for further environmental impact studies.  As the President Elect holds shares in the pipeline company I personally have serious doubts there will actually be a change to the location.  Because money and the promise of riches is so seductive. 

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Replies
    1. As has been the conquest of the natural world.

  2. Janice this is seriously goid. Superbly powerful poetry. A joy to read. Somehow it is fitting these days with Standing Rock.

  3. Janice this is seriously goid. Superbly powerful poetry. A joy to read. Somehow it is fitting these days with Standing Rock.

  4. Janice this is a piece that fits so well with the past and the present. Politically we continue to do harm. Well written!

    1. I had been binge watching "The Tudors" when I wrote this. It seems nothing changes. Thank you for the compliment on the writing.

  5. Hari OM
    Am back from a two day meet-up with a friend who is a geologist consulting within the oil industry and who favours shifts to renewables but is fighting what she feels is an interminable battle.

    This music, your words... our tears... YAM xx

    1. I do not know if it is just the oil industry itself or the greed of the stockholders or just greed in general that renewables are fought so hard. In my facebook feeds our relatives in North Dakota is filled with awful comments about the protesters. It is like protecting the creation is a bad thing. I just cannot get my mind wrapped around the comments or the mind set behind it. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone in this what ever it is. janice xx

  6. Very strong tanka Janice, with an unexpected turn, but I understand that turn very well ... we need to protect our Earth, our nature ... it's what we have to do as haiku poets.

    1. Living in the US under the upcoming administration is a frightening situation. Rick Perry as energy secretary is like a fox in the hen house....


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