snake in the dark

Carpe Diem Tokubetsudesu #82 Milan Rajkumar's "frog on lotus leaf "

lifeless for a season
pupa inside the ocean
spring gives life and wings

© milan rajkumar

milan rajkumar lives in imphal, manipur india and is a secondary school teacher who teaches fixed and flexible exchange rates while writing haiku. he is so humble that he doesn’t want to use “I” and capital letters
Milan also writes sometimes tanka and recently he published a beautiful tanka in response on one of the "Latifa Prayer" episodes.

frog on lotus leaf
sitting and admiring
lotus bloom

does it care the snake
which looms behind .
© milan rajkumar

- - - - - response - - - - -
Tab Hunter, closeted 1950's heartthrob, co-wrote his own autobiography, Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star (2006).  In 2015 a movie was made starring Mr. Hunter recounting his life.  I sat watching this story about one of my tween heartthrobs and the life he had to live.  Milan's frog on a lotus leaf was brought to life in this story.  Mr. Hunter, while not in a youthful bloom, is still handsome.  In an 84 year old man kind of way which still appeals to a 69 year old.  So who is Tab in the haiku?  The frog, the bloom?  I know the snake is the wanton prejudice always looming in the dark....

life's love
bound by tentacles
writhes in pain
prattling mouths
judgement's shame

© petra domina

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Really nice to see yhe haibun form there again, with complex tanka worth studying. Always enjoyable fir wuality, depth and variety.

    1. thank you, Bather. The lives for persons with sexual orientations our of societies 'norm' can be so hard. Like it is anyone's business except the two in the relationship.... or the one living in a trans body. just sayin.

  2. A lovely haibun, Janice, and a tribute well penned.

    1. Tis is a subject close to my heart. One of my nephews, a couple of cousins, and a dear friends son are gay. It tears my heart out to see them not be able to share their loved ones with the world.


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