
Carpe Diem #979 Hungary

When I saw the challenge was Hungary I almost swooned.  Hubby and I fell in love with Hungary, especially Budapest.  The buildings were no older than other places we visited.  Nothing was more ornate.  There was just something that caught our fancy.  Well, part of it could have been Chaba, one of the crew on the river cruise.  Chaba was Hungarian with the best set of calves I had seen since my young hubby's calves.  I do like me some calves!!!  And I cherished getting to know sweet, sweet Chaba.  He hugged Hubby and me on the last day and called us Grandpa and Grandma.  Yes, it was the people we fell in love with in Hungary.

buffeted by wars
behind a curtain of iron
hearts soft as goose down

© petra domina

Budapest, 4-8-2016 © petra domina

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 




  1. It's nice to hear such wonderful things about your visit here...I know only friends who left in the 50's with sad again, wonderful to read your haibun. Your trip sounds so happy you had a nice time.

    1. It was yet another amazing chapter God has allowed me to have in this life. Our trip last year to meet you on Montreal was wonderful, again because of a special person.

  2. You really are in love with Hungary Janice. Your Europe trip must have been awesome and the result I can see in your haiku. This particular haiku is really great. Nice memories you share here with us.

    1. yes, Gene and I both fell in love with the parts of Europe we visited. Still working through the photos in between grandkid activities and other summer holidays.


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