master of persimmons

Carpe Diem Special #203 Basho's disciples: Mukai Kyorai's "Master of Persimmons"

My mother in law was a woman who respected nature.  She would never waste anything.  The bag holding cereal inside the box would be saved once emptied.  It would reappear wrapped around leftovers before placing in the freezer.  The MIL, also, loved gardening and yard work.  She tilled her garden by herself till around 90 years of age.  She canned her own grape juice from her own vines.  Even made wine a time or two.  She would pick berries and fruit either wild or cultivated.  She was a wise custodian of this good earth.

persimmon cookies
saved for a winter's night treat
wrapped in waxed love

©  Janice 'petra domina' Adcock

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



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