abalone shells and lovers

Carpe Diem Universal Jane #4 abalone shells and lovers

Sometimes the stars are either aligned perfectly or so imperfectly it is amusing.  The event you are about to read is one such event.  As was the tradition of our farming family when something not farm like happened we had to participate in the event.  One such event was when my sister's husband went on a business trip.  He flew in an actual airplane!

A little background to help understand the significance of this.  The folks were not the wealthy Southern Plantation owners.  No, my folks were just a notch above share croppers.  The land, which usually included a house for us to live in, was rented from an owner.  A portion of the crop proceeds paid the rent.  There was no running water nor any type of indoor plumbing.  Daddy had wired the house for electricity shortly after we moved into the house.  Only recently had we 'moved to town' where we actually had 'modern plumbing.'

So someone in our family getting on a plane and flying was big stuff.  We all piled in our cars and headed to the big city airport.  This was really, really big stuff.  Walking through the airport.  Seeing the stewardesses in their uniforms!  People dressed to the nines to board the plane on a Sunday afternoon flight.  Eventually it was time for Jack to board the plane.  Of course this was long before metal detectors so we were at the boarding area all waving goodbye.

Fast forward to the next morning in our home room class at high school.  This was a small school in a town of about 600 people.  The teacher asked what we had done this weekend.  Church, a party and a couple of visits to grandparents' homes.  It was my turn.  "Well, we went to the airport to watch my brother-in-law, Jack, off."  The teacher asked me to say it again, I did, and giggles broke out across the room.  My boyfriend at the time told me to not say another word.  But of course Miss-has-to-have-The Last word said it one more time.  The poor teacher was in stitches by then.  I was about 17 years old with no brothers.  The boyfriend later explained what I had said.  I mean really, all we did was go to the airport to watch my brother-in-law, Jack, off.

lips part
speaking of love's bloom
innocence revealed 

©  petra domina

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. for sure!!!! had not a clue what it even meant...

  2. HaHa!! you literally made me laugh out loud this morning, perhaps startling my sleeping neighbours upstairs. I have to share this on facebook, my colleagues (the majority are sex therapists)...your haiku is so very precious! hugs to you

    1. That is so what I hoped for was to spread a little laughter.
      hugs back!

  3. Well not sure what to comment about the prose...! A beautifully scribed haiku though, with a touch of maughtiness

    1. What can I say, Hamish. Confession of a no longer naive female! Glad you liked the haiku.

  4. Well not sure what to comment about the prose...! A beautifully scribed haiku though, with a touch of maughtiness

  5. Well, this had me laughing out loud! When you don't know, you just don't know. Oh boy! A nice haiku to round it out! LOL!

    1. Great cause I firmly believe we all need a good laugh these days. I was forever stepping into some sort of cow pie ... and still do!

  6. Oh, you made me smile here, Janice! Wonderful!

    1. Great! I never mind a smile at my expense. Thanks for stopping by for a chat.


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