moving into the sun

Carpe Diem Extra August 6th 2016 first tribute Theme Week Jane Reichhold,

Losing a person for whom you have great affection and love is challenging for those left here on earth.  When that same person has chosen to take their life it seems to make the pain even greater.  Parents and friends will often experience guilt.  The guilt will be accompanied by self doubts and second guessing of how the relationship was handled. Could one have been more caring?  More attentive?  What could have been done to change what happened?

The experience of watching and supporting a mother as she sees her lifeless child is infused in one's mind . . forever.  The blood splatters on the walls of the room where doctors and nurses worked in vain to save the life.  The one foot dangling out from under the sheet as the mother hugs the lifeless remains.  Spending the night calling relatives including the father who is in another state on a business trip.  Making sure before the call he is not alone to bear the news.

Jane Reichhold's sudden death jerked a group of poets into the reality of life and death. A woman who shared her knowledge so freely with the CDHK group.  A poet of the highest caliber that kindly answered our novice questions.  Never once was she condescending, only encouraging and helpful.  Some in the group developed very close relationships with Ms. Reichhold.  As they write their tributes, the pain is palpable.  For others it is simply a shared pain with CDHK family members.  Leaning on each other through the grief and pain.  Recalling the joy of having known Jane Reichhold through her poetry.

from Jane Reichhold's Bare Bones School of Haiku:

moving into the sun
the pony takes with him
some mountain shadow

Jane Reichhold

hearts torn asunder
searching the breach
lost puzzle piece

janice adcock

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Replies
    1. Good evening.
      Our son lost 2 friends to suicide in the falls of his junior and senior years in high school.Watching and helping the group cope with the losses was a challenge. janice xx

  2. yes, one that cannot be replaced. namaste

  3. A very moving tribute Janice

    Much love...


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