let go

Carpe Diem #1134 beyond control

Sounds simple.  Let go.  Just. Let. Go.  The song from the hit movie, Frozen, has filled the minds and voices of little girls that I meet.  My great niece was barely making complete sentences when she could sing and act out the scene from the movie.  'Let it go!' would be followed by a foot stomp.  Too cute!
binding the dreams
of generations
held together
by my own hands

©  petra domina

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Yes, although we feel things are beyond our control, our destiny remains in our own hands. Well put, Janice!

  2. I would share if I could find it . She is a real hoot still! Maybe our first female president if we are still here by then. My main computer with all your sites on it is dead. Sorry I have not visited recently : (

  3. Very well said. My grandson was four when that movie came out. He came to my 50 birthday party and sang that to me in front of a crowed of people. Children are precious.

    1. They certainly are wonderful! Joy in a sad landscape at times. Our 15 year old played basketball yesterday as we cheered him. He headed straight for us all up and happy at the end of the game. Sweaty hugs can be good, too.

  4. That is so beautiful as well as wise, Janice. I think grandchildren nd great grandchildren are here to remind us on what is important in life.


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