
Carpe Diem Special #219 Dolores' 3rd colorful mushrooms

Football stadium lights in the distance are the sign of autumn in the southern states of the US.  The further south, the bigger the stadiums.  And in Texas, football is almost a religion.  The belief starts in young children, boys being players and girls doing the cheering.  Not much headway in the women's movement in this arena.  The leaves will just drop in November with little fanfare or color.  Too much competition from the football lights.
filled with colorful warriors
falling leaves

©  petra domina

For full inspiration post click here.

"We are encountering autumn in a few days (or spring if you live on the Southern hemisphere) and in these haiku by Dolores I really sense the beauty of departure, letting go, release ....:

colorful mushrooms
within the decaying tree
new life from old

leaves and clouds
race the setting sun
across the lake

sounds of summer fade
crisp air echoes with crickets
and crunch of dry leaves

sunlight dances
on the back of autumn trees
leaves spiral downward

© Dolores of Ada's Poetry Alcove"

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Hari OM
    Yes, that captures the scene perfectly! YAM xx

  2. Beautiful post Janice. Really liked the build up with the prose. The haiku was full of atmosphere and spent time thinking if there was deeper mesning behind fallibg leaves.
    I posted a comment on this post by Chev as I noticed less participants on the post with haiku by Dolires and Ese. Such a shame. Ah well.

    1. Glad you enjoyed this one, Hamish. My husband and I have been attending our step grandson's American football games the last couple of weeks. He took a hit last night that took him out of the rest of the game. So, yes, the colorful warriors do fall like leaves at times. Thanks for your kind encouragement.

  3. Beautiful post Janice. Really liked the build up with the prose. The haiku was full of atmosphere and spent time thinking if there was deeper mesning behind fallibg leaves.
    I posted a comment on this post by Chev as I noticed less participants on the post with haiku by Dolires and Ese. Such a shame. Ah well.

  4. How different it is from city to city, country to country. Here girls are busy with hockey, rugby or ringet and boys hockey and rugby.

    1. Yes, differences. Of course there are girls occupied with soccer, cross country and other sports. But cheering is still really big.

  5. Oh, no. That would be a pain. When I was in high school one could see a string of car lights heading toward the football fields. Treeless flat lands make for long views!

  6. Sportsman compared with colorful leaves and extraordinary way to describe autumn Janice, but I like it.

    1. We really do not get the changing leaves here in central Texas. But football with all the different team colors is about the only thing that says fall here!


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