frosty rose

Carpe Diem Tan Renga Challenge Month May 29th: "a single frosty rose" by Mizuhara Shuoshi (1892-1981)

Mizuhara Shuoshi (1892-1981) was a 20th century Japanese poet who was responsible for a trend towards greater emotional expression in haiku. 

Here is our "hokku" by Mizuhara Shuoshi:

A new year begins
With the blooming
Of a single frosty rose

© Mizuhara Shuoshi

A nice "hokku" to start our Tan Renga with. Here is my attempt to make this Tan Renga complete:

A new year begins
With the blooming
Of a single frosty rose                               (Mizuhara Shuoshi)

clouds of breath pointing the way
towards the old Shinto shrine                      (Chèvrefeuille)

- - - - response - - - - 

A new year begins
With the blooming
Of a single frosty rose                               (Mizuhara Shuoshi)

petal curls glistening
in the rising morning sun                           (petra domina)

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



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