Carpe Diem #1050 blossoms Our host's Prompt: "...... Jane Reichhold was a haiku personality. There's a lot to know about her, as well as to learn from her. On her page (AHA!POETRY!) we learn that she was born in Lima, Ohio, in 1937, and studied Art and Journalism at Bluffton College, Ohio, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Fresno State University, Fresno, CA, and San Francisco State University, San Francisco. She lives now in Gualala, CA, USA. Okay ... back to our prompt for today: Today our prompt is blossoms and Jane wrote wonderful haiku with this modern kigo for spring. Here are a few examples to inspire you: knotted fragrance on spring bare branches blossoms cloud blossoms brush strokes between clusters story-telling branch silence in the blind wind's dance blossoms moonlight among blossoming trees a white parasol silence the blossoms dance © Jane Reichhold All wonderful haiku in the excellent, but fragile, way of Ja...