only tracks

Carpe Diem #1664 Tan Renga Challenge Month May 2019 (11) Tan Renga Hineri "Only Tracks"

Our host, Chèvrefeuille, gave this assignment:

Here is our delayed post as mentioned yesterday. Today I love to challenge you to create a Tan Renga Hineri. That means: I will give you a haiku to work with. You have to add a minimum of three stanza and a maximum of five stanza. You have to create the 2nd stanza, the 3rd stanza (a haiku) and a 4th stanza (two lined). If you are inspired enough than you can add also a fifth stanza (a haiku) and a 6th stanza (two lined). Try to create a "short story" and try to "close the chain" with a "ageku" (closing verse) that refers to the 1st (given) stanza.

late summer
alone on the beach
with only tracks               © Jane Reichhold

imprints left on so many
shifting grains of sand

not a bed for rest
death's rattle

never ending spirit
takes flight in words

ocean waves
refresh souls
erase all trace

turtle hatchlings catch a wave
diamond sparkles on the sea       © petra domina



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