Creative Writing Assignment

 Son gave me the gift of a writing course.  This is an online course and I have never really taken any sort of writing course.  Never.  I am 75 and this course is attempting to teach an old dog new tricks.  Here is the last session's subject.  Description of one's self.  The result is and ASSIGNMENT:  use imagery to describe your personal state of being.

The example given was a description written by Frank Kafka.  " A picture of my existence... would show a useless wooden stake covered in snow... stuck loosely at a slant in the ground in a ploughed field on the edge of a vast open plain on a dark winter night."

A picture of my existence... would show a dusty whirlwind moving across the cornfield ready for harvest... filled with all it touched... surrounded by sunshine... revolutions slowing down toward its dissipation...  ending as quickly as it began.

I read this to Hubby.  He has been at my side for over 55 years counting the time of 'courting'.  He said it had been a really good description.  He added the whirlwind was barely moving at this time.  But there still are gusts that happen every now and then.  Then he smiled.


  1. Hari Om
    Oh wow... now you got me thinking...!!! Your personal description actually reminded me of my mother, never stopping, always gathering in... YAM xx

    1. Always gathering is not a thing for me cause now I have too much stuff! LOL. Knowing you your mother must have been a wonderful woman. namaste, janice xx

  2. Well done on an intriguing assignment.


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