
 Carpe Diem Haiku Kai #1845 Troiku Challenge: Summertime


Today's challenge from our host is to create a troiku using his own haiku for the primary source.

at the seashore
wind of summer through my hair
the shortest night

© Chèvrefeuille

at the seashore
clamoring sound of gulls
punctuate the air

wind of summer through my hair
taste of salt on my tongue
soothing warmth of the sand

the shortest night
daybreak comes all too soon
gulls at work again

© petra domina

Follow this link to see other contributions to the troiku challenge.

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for hosting Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.


  1. Hari OM
    &*) ... that last line brought it altogether beautifully! YAM xx

    1. Well, I tried to bring it full circle. namaste, janice xx

  2. I love your troiku, Janice!! the gulls sure take over a seashore, don't they sometimes? Sending you hugs...getting my 2nd vaccine this Friday...finally!

    1. Thank you. So glad you are getting that second shot! Enjoy a bit more freedom now.

  3. As if I was there already... I like your troiku!

  4. wonderful job bringing it full circle. Lovely troiku!


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