
Showing posts from October, 2017

desert travellers

Carpe Diem #1270 desert travellers (Karunesh) weary camels rest sparks spiral skyward day's warmth retreats  skirts whirl through dreams to the music of the desert ©    petra domina To hear the music that inspired this post click here .  The music is toward the end of the post.  A facinating article about desert nomads making a yearly trek is here . Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  


Carpe Diem #1269 reflection I love days that start with a smile.  Today was one of those.  After morning chores I settled into my easy chair to catch up on all the CDHK posts.  There on the patio screen door was a green lizard.  This lizard has been hanging around for several months now.  It has surprised me by skittering across the patio as it escaped the watering bucket's cascade.  Today it brought back memories of a time before grandsons were born.  A time when a gecko was grabbed by the tail.  It ran away leaving its tail in my son's fingers.  His wife screamed not knowing that the tail would grow back.  Thanks, little green lizard, for a smile. from the mist green dragon appears a tale grows ©    petra domina skittering lizard Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  

spring lantern

Carpe Diem #1268 shuntoo (spring lantern) harvest moon bright as a shuntoo rice paper scrolls brush strokes tell the story of a summer romance brush caresses the paper thoughts of love skin soft as silk glides beneath one last stroke in a fit of passion ink drops glistening on the desk blackened memory reflecting in the light of the harvest moon ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  


Carpe Diem #1267 millionaire What would you do if someone knocked on your door and handed you a cashiers check for one million dollars?  That was the premise of a 1950's TV show that ran for 5 years.  Named simply "The Millionaire" it was entertaining to watch story lines about the effects of sudden wealth.  That check would need to be 9 million to be worth the same amount now.  inflation balloon rises to heaven sun rays of gold ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  

indian summer

Carpe Diem #1266 Koharu (Indian Summer) That killing frost that wilts the blossoms, that nips the buds, that announces the promise of winter.  Yea, that happens in other places.  Neither often nor early nor frequently in subtropical climes.  When the weather forecasts calls for a cold front, most likely you can still wear your shorts.  It is a life from a different place that can be remembered.  The beauty of the leaves, the morning chill, apple orchards dotted in red.  Good times. full moon autumn's chill a summer's dream ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  


Carpe Diem #1265 perfume rose petals gathered in the morning dew perfume filled air ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI  


Carpe Diem weekend-meditation #4  Soliloquy no renga (solo-renga):  Celebration celebration finally winter has gone early plum blossoms © Chèvrefeuille delicately frosted by last evening's snowfall morning sun melting winter's breath droplets forming drip, drip, dripping into a light filled puddle each drop spreading the light concentric circles rippling toward the puddle's edge tiny waves on a small sea warmth of sun awakening those hibernating the frog wriggles from the the muddy depths squinting in the bright light raspy croaking searching for the right note to win her heart bringing his deepest tone his bellows filling the air plumb clouds at sunset bring a chill as night falls across the old pond petals zigzags to the pond confetti celebration ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI