
Carpe Diem Special #199 Hamish's 5th a teaser

We had been on the road for almost three weeks.  The open beauty of the High and Great Plains had been replaced with the rough and tumbled Rocky Mountain ranges of North America.  Glaciers were seen from both sides of the tan Jeep.  Deer, elk, bear, mountain goats, moose and mountain sheep greeted our curious eyes. The untamed magnificence was embellished with the aqua ribbons of waters with names like Athabasca and Bow Rivers.

European immigrants spilled into these areas over the last couple of centuries.  Trappers then trains then tourists would try to tame these vast landscapes.  To some degrees there was success often to the detriment of first nations and the land itself.  And here we sat, two more tourists.  We wanted to see the view of Lake Louise from an observation point a several hundred feet above the lake.  There was a trail of sorts.  The climb was a challenge. The view was breathtaking.  A memory that remains colored with the scent of evergreens and damp air.

simple stairway
gnarly roots and mossy rocks
postcard views
evergreen sentinels stand
holding back human assault

©  Janice 'petra domina' Adcock

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 



  1. Ah Lake Louise - was there in 1986. Fabulous haibun. Great area, so well-described. The tanka flowed very nicely, but I was especially attracted to the last 2 lines - really interesting concept there.

    1. The last two lines were an afterthought when I added the photo I had taken from the vantage point at the end of the trail.

  2. I love the way your haiku fit with this beautiful story.

    1. Thank you, Sara. And thanks for taking a moment to comment.


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