
Showing posts from March, 2017

State of Mind Zen

Carpe Diem Namasté, The Spiritual Way #6 Haiku's State of Mind - Zen so slight almost not there moon sliver teapot sits surrounded by  porcelain cherry blossoms ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

drop of rain

Carpe Diem #1182 drop of rain upswept desert sands riding the warm gulf stream drop as rain ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

broken heart

Carpe Diem @1181 broken heart in misery he lives remembering the rose petal path she walked in white illusion if only love had been there ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1180 departure empty shoes sitting in the closet floor bring memories of your love of the years together in the journey of our lives the look in your eyes at the moment of departure into a new life elsewhere ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1179 Arise beneath the ashes a single feather remains is the feather the past? is the feather the future? a gentle breeze passes by and to the ashes says, "arise" ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

Korean poem

Carpe Diem Universal Jane #13  Sijo the Korean poem "Elizabeth St Jacques, a leader in the sijo movement, offers good advice: never lose sight of the three characteristics that make sijo unique:basic structure, musical/rhythmic elements, and the twist." You ask how many friends I have? Water and stone, bamboo and pine. The moon rising over the eastern hill is a joyful comrade. Besides these five companions, what other pleasure should I ask? © Yon Son-do (1587-1671) Let me ask you, butterfly, do you remember your cocoon? Perhaps you recall spinning thread, a caterpillar's ungainly crawl? If we can jog your memory, maybe there is hope for me. © Jane Reichhold In the midst of the storm the tree's new leaves struggle to hold tight. The nest of twigs is newly built.  A robin begs for limbs protection. Green fingers pointing the direction, wind roars past in false pursuit. ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on...


Carpe Diem #1178 Theme Week Hafiz (4) knowledge secerts held in sand alchemy  over time within a single chip a world of knowledge is held    ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI Hint:  think of the second most common element on earth and one of its uses.

morning breeze

Carpe Diem #1177 Theme Week Hafiz (3) morning breeze   Following brunch the kitchen was being cleaned.  Glancing out the patio door a wonderful delight greeted her.   breezy, cloudless sky sunshine on the cardinal's comb purest morning light ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1176 Theme Week Hafiz (2) lover from the bare branch comes the cherry blossom bud the child emerging from mother's watery womb the first gasps of breath unfolding under watchful eyes seeking the full light and joy of The Mother's love and familiar voice swaying the in the morning breeze sakura petals open in praise ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

potted plant

Carpe Diem #1175 Theme Week Hafiz (1) potted plant The feel of soil as the hand tool digs deeper is a release.  The tiny shells, sand and rocks along with the humus begin to break apart and loosen.  Turning the components of the soil brings a much needed breath of oxygen to the suffocating layers.  Add the bag of potting soil to further enrich the mixture. Holes are made and sprinkled with water.  The bedding plants are removed from the plastic containers.  Each is placed gingerly into the waiting holes.  Soil tamped around each infant plant and one more shower of water to finish off the planting.  A few of the plants are placed in pots.  Shape, texture and aroma help decide where each is placed.  The end of the planting brings a feeling of being one with nature.  freshly turned soil birds rush to upturned treasures purple finch feasts ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on...

self consciousness

Carpe Diem Namasté The Spiritual Way #5 self consciousness Oneness with everything.  Goodness that is an ideal that seems almost unattainable.  Then I think about the words 'self consciousness'.  I have most of my life been self conscious in a condemning way.  I'm:  fat, uncaring, mean, quick to anger, ugly and that crooked nose.  That is not the same as the first definition of conscious:  aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.    To become aware and respond to all that stuff that is out there.  Within this awareness we could then be led to self awareness (the good kind) and become one with the universe.  One with all before and all that follows.  One with each person that reads this.  It feels so challenging until I realize one small thing, we share our humanity.  We have common experiences.  It hit me.  The naked dream.  What better place to start looking for our connec...


Carpe Diem #1174  silence snowflakes settle on the mountainside in silence flake on flake lie quietly then the avalanche begins ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

filtered light

Carpe Diem #1172  filtered light filtered through spring clouds sun rays kiss the young rice plants seeded by the stars ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1173  leaving a bug flies bird teased into a chase feather left behind ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

rising gold

Carpe Diem #1171  wounded heart weight of the world atlas struggles to explain how, why? the rivers will flow in filth as gold rises to the top teachers speak to pupils without ears how, why? the rivers will flow in filth as gold rises to the top universal good life for all again how, why? the rivers will flow in filth as gold rises to the top approaching cloud four horsemen ride a baboon how, why? the rivers will flow in filth as gold rises to the top ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

tree views

Carpe Diem Universal Jane #12 mountain view awash in the worlds troubles the tree waits naked through the cold of the year approaching spring brings new growth that laden with green weight the limbs of a tree we humans were not designed to shed and  renew ourselves with new growth like trees in the mirrored lake does a tree see  the unforgivable wrinkles of its age? Oh, to be a tree with no wrinkles nor loss of strength as the rings of age mount up on me! ©    petra domina [ ... "The ghazal is composed of a minimum of five couplets—and typically no more than fifteen—that are structurally, thematically, and emotionally autonomous. Each line of the poem must be of the same length, though meter is not imposed in English. The first couplet introduces a scheme, made up of a rhyme followed by a refrain. Subsequent couplets pick up the same scheme in the second line only, repeating the refrain and rhyming the second line with bo...


Carpe Diem #1170  fountain Growing up in the southern USA in the 1940's and 1950's water fountains were marked  . . . whites only  colorless liquid segregated ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

humble bottom

Carpe Diem #1169 humble humble bumblebee flits around his pollen covered bottom smiling blossoms welcome yellow dusting from that humble pollen covered bottom blue eyes peaking o'er  freckled nose reaches for the ripened peach falls flat upon his bottom ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1169  humble earthworms aerifying wrigglers creators humble humus makers ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

existentialism and flutes

Carpe Diem #1168  flute breath of a lion fluttering butterflies and flags ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem #1167  The Dancer within music is the movement  of seduction seen through the veil of excitement ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI


Carpe Diem Namasté, the Spiritual Way #4 keepers of the earth earth the soul of all life under my nails I will return some day to nurture others ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI

night flowers

Carpe Diem #1166  Nightflower . . . [ This month we will explore the beauty of Persian poetry and especially the poetry by the renown poets Rumi, Hafez (or Hafiz) and Saadi. Yesterday we started with two beautiful poems by Rumi, one of them the name-giver of this month "praise to the emptiness". ] . . .  Chèvrefeuille vastness stars in the night sky glowing flowers ©    petra domina Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on  CARPE DIEM HAIKU KAI